YuFeng Attended the Member Conference of the China-Europe Education Alliance for Humanities and Arts and was Elected Vice Chairman

  From May 14th to 16th, 2024, Yu Feng, Secretary of the CPCof Nanjing University of the Arts (NUA) Committee, Zhang Jie, Vice President and Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC NUA Committee, Li Zhipeng, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC NUA Committee, Director of the   President’s Office, and Head of the Publicity Department, and Yu Rui, Director Department of International Exchanges and Cooperation, represented NUAat the second plenary session of the China-Europe Education Alliance for Humanities and Arts. The conference elected NUA as the vice chairman unit, and Yu Feng as the new Vice Chairman of the Alliance. In June 2019,  China-Europe Education Alliance for Humanities and Arts was formally established and held its first member conference, with over 150 participants including officials from the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and member institutions of the Alliance. In April 2023, our school successfully hosted the 2023 China-Europe Humanities and Arts Education Forum, with nearly 200 participants including representatives from the Department of European Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European embassies in China, receiving full recognition from the China Center for International People-to-People Exchange under the Ministry of Education.

During the conference, Yu Feng spoke as the newly appointed Vice Chairman. He emphasized that only through respecting the diversity of world civilizations and by surpassing cultural barriers through cultural exchanges,transcending cultural conflicts through mutual cultural learning, and promoting cultural coexistence beyond cultural superiority, can we collectively address various global challenges. He stressed that a community with a shared future for humanity is first and foremosta cultural "coexistence body" and a "symbiotic body" where different civilizations coexist and interact harmoniously. As a councilmember of the Alliance, NUA will fully leverage its disciplinary strengths and advantages, enhance communication with alliance members, and actively engage in cultural exchanges and educational cooperation with an attitude of equality, openness, and inclusiveness. NUA will actively plan and organize exchange projects that align with the direction of the Alliance's development and meet the needs of its members, striving to make a greater contribution to building cooperation platforms, innovating cooperation methods, expanding cooperation content, and deepening cooperative outcomes. With the guidance of the China Center for International People-to-People Exchange under the Ministry of Education and the Alliance Council, NUA will conscientiously fulfill its responsibilities as a vice chairman unit, further promote the development of the Alliance, and enhance exchange and cooperation among alliance members.