Renowned 'Zhi Mei' Chair Professor from Nanjing University of the Arts Makes Striking Calligraphy Debut at Sino-French Cultural Year Chinese Art Exhibition

Coinciding with Chinese President Xi Jinping's state visit to France, the From Beijing to Paris - Sino-French Artists Olympic Journey Chinese Art Exhibition, jointly organized by China Central Radio and Television Station, the French National Olympic and Sports Committee, the French Professional Football League, and several French arts institutions, was grandly inaugurated on May 6th at the Paris Exhibition Center of the Army Museum.

Capitalizing on the 60th anniversary of Sino-French diplomatic ties and the Paris Olympic Year, the exhibition served as a platform to further disseminate the Olympic spirit and culture. It aimed to foster mutual encounter, understanding, and appreciation between China and France, bridging strengths and beauty, body and wisdom, reality and meaning. Among the exhibited works were those of Sun Xiaoyun, Chairperson of the China Calligraphers Association and Zhi Mei Chair Professor at Nanjing University of the Arts.

Wang Xizhi's Preface to the Orchid Pavilion (Running Script) by Sun Xiaoyun


Sun Xiaoyun's showcased pieces included Wang Xizhi's Preface to the Orchid Pavilion (Running Script), Analects (Cursive Script), and Zhou Dunyi's On the Love of the Lotus (Regular Script). These works eloquently displayed the elegance and charm of Chinese calligraphy from various angles.

Additionally, Sun Xiaoyun, serving as the distinguished advisory member for the exhibition, expressed the art of China and France is like two bright pearls embedded in the history of human civilization, although they were born in different historical backgrounds and cultural contexts. She emphasized the various artistic exchanges between China and France, has painted a vibrant tapestry of shared cultural splendor. Sun Xiaoyun further elaborated on the significance of Chinese calligraphy as a unique art form, encapsulating the essence of Chinese culture while imparting profound insights on life and self-cultivation. She expressed sincere delight and pride in perpetuating the legacy of Sino-French cultural exchanges, wielding Chinese characters as the brush and art as the ink. (CCTV News Client,, Department of Publicity)

On March 25, 2024, Sun Xiaoyun was appointed as one of the inaugural Zhi Mei Chair Professors at Nanjing University of the Arts.